Thursday, May 3, 2012

Why should men approach women and not the other way around?

It's not a numbers issue, the numbers of men and women are close enough to being even.
It's not an issue of looks, or who is trying to attract a partner to initiate an approach.
It's not even about avoiding rejection..

The greatest asset a man has is his purpose. And therefore what he intends to produce with his life.

This is a great lure for a woman. To be with a man who has a purpose, to assist him in this purpose.

The great conundrum of life is that none really knows what anyone else thinks and believes of them.  
Especially when we first meet. So how does having a purpose get conveyed?

A mans purpose is tested in an approach.

Here are the beliefs, followed by the conveyed action or in-action.

- Does he know what he wants? (not necessarily who, but what).
The act of approaching tests if there is a purpose.

- Is he honest and one with his purpose?
Is the approach inevitable (can I trust in it and him)? Does he get and maintain eye contact. Does she break eye contact first?

- Is she apart of that purpose? An integral part or even a cameo, it doesn't matter the role.
Does he put in extra effort, diverting from the purpose? Does he try and sell on something that isn't his purpose, like a drink or being kind or his social connections?

- How important is the purpose?
Does he hesitate, is there something else more important or is their doubt?

This is one topic all about changing our belief, the reason why we want to do, what we are doing, and how to go about it.

A man who forfeits his right to make the approach, is diminishing his ability to create attention and attraction in a woman.

There are other things which are important, but this is quite a substantial one.

Your approach is an asset that works in your favor.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for taking the time to read it.


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