Thursday, August 25, 2011

Why your partner isn't your friend.

I watch quite a lot of TV shows about single people. You know the ones, they all seem tacky but I can't get enough. I'm just curious as to what is happening in the dating world.

Last night one such TV show had set up a woman and a man on a blind date. The date centers around the meal that in this case, and she was cooking.

She asked him quite a lot of questions, as it seemed she was quite serious about meeting someone. But from the answers given, he didn't seem as serious. One of the things he said when asked, 'what are you looking for in a partner?' was that he wanted a best friend.

*Sigh* was my response. Get a dog.

If you think that he's sweet and im a prick, then lets just open our mind for a second, Read the following then decide.

Am I being harsh? maybe. But attraction just doesn't work like that. When people are comfortable they have the least amount of sex and the boring type of sex. And that type of sex leads to relationship breakdown. Because relationships don't just break down instantly, it is a long road of taking things for granted and neglecting bits and pieces.

Men want to give their attention and feel appreciated as men, and women want to feel wanted and needed as women.

Do we feel this way about our friends?

Would you be upset if you didn't see your friend for a fortnight? But would you be upset if you didn't see your partner for a fortnight?

See what im getting at?

I'd love life to be heaven on earth. I'd be the first one to learn harp strumming whilst sitting on a cloud. But its our body (feelings) that wants a partner and wants to be satisfied, not our mind or our consciousness. So lets not sit back in life and expect our partner to be the same as us, and have the same interests/hobbies etc. Because were not looking for friends with something in common were looking for a partner who fills our needs.

I appreciate you taking the time to read this,

Hope this helps,

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