Sunday, May 13, 2012

gazumping your dating life.

We all know a few people, if not ourselves, who want things that they cannot have. There's something alluring about it. But to look at it objectively, It is one way to choose. Wait for someone else to choose and then pick the same or in relationship cases, steal it. Apparently, the way the term 'gazump' came into our language, after a Mr. Gazump, ran into some money but didn't Know what to do with it. So understanding his limitations, he used to wait for people he respected to put offers in and then he would offer more, or gazump the original offer. So just like Mr. Gazump, is this why we want something that we can't have, because we don't know any better? but what does it say about the person who made the original choice. Just like Mr. Gazump maybe we have more of an attachment to the person we are gazumping.

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