Sunday, October 21, 2012

The fall

The fall is a phenomenon that happens to people when they are dating.

Usually when people are single they want to mold dating into their life. They want to massage it and knead it and have control over it. They want to fit it into their life.

This doesn't tend to happen, actually the opposite tends to happen. People give in and let their dating life take over the rest of their life. They go out and not know who they are going to meet, where they are going to end up or even where they are going to sleep.

Men who aren't in this state will use terms like 'I want a girlfriend' or use gender specific terms more often, because they are thinking of themselves first and not the woman. i.e. Tits, pussy, arse/ass, bitch, slut etc.Thinking of yourself first doesn't put you in a good place to meet a mate.

From what I see 'the fall' happens to men who are trying to meet a mate. They put the moment that they are in first and let that lead them. It is a self fulfilling prophecy because not only does it hone the persons attention but women love being the item of attention and men who are living in the moment will ravish all their attention on whomever they meet.

This doesn't happen to every man who ends up in a relationship, but it is a natural way that leads into a successful relationship or just dating life.

I believe what leads a man to 'falling' is when he overcomes rejection. Not being worried about rejection gives a man time to give to an interaction and understand the context of his life. And overcoming rejection takes experience.

Hope this helps


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