Thursday, June 16, 2011

I feel needed.

When I talk to my friends and others, hear where people are at in their lives I do feel needed.
It's like people believe that things are meant to happen. Like a movie with chance meetings.

Unfortunately love/lust/sex/relationships aren't like movies, they are like real life. Like everything else in real life.
Getting your job for instance. You had to accept where you were before you had a job. That you didn't have a job but you wanted one. You weren't afraid to approach people about it, you understood what you needed to get one. You did what you needed to do and after a few interviews and applications here you are. Employed.
Yet with love people leave it to chance.
Just like getting a job the more exposure you have, the more power and choice you get. (no pun intended.)
If there is one thing you learn from reading this, I hope it is this.
Run it like a buisness.
You don't just walk into a relationship. You just can't create that want in a person instantly.
Before you get there you have to enjoy the single life, be proficient at it. It's not personal.
Don't get caught up in emotions and the content of people. It's not about that. Meeting someone isn't about the best local band or football team or where you live. It's about two people being honest. If your caught up in the content, then your not actually meeting that person. That person is just a shell with a tape recorder in it that has alot of other peoples influences on the tape.
Honestly is a really big subject which ill start on another day and will last for quite a while.
I've tried to put up clean  cut posts so far but I write 10 posts to get one up and i dont think im ready to cut it that clean yet. I just need to get it out of me then sort it on the paper.
I have no idea of an order.
Bare with me :)


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