Friday, April 29, 2011


This is what everyone really wants...

You may be reading this and thinking something else, but let me explain.

Choice is about having the right and power to choose. To be in a position of power.

But if you had the power to choose it might even affect your choice.

Ever seen politicians make big promises and come across strong in a certain area, until they have the power to actually do something about it and don't follow through with their promises!

You may wish for something, maybe even set it as a goal for yourself, but once you get there, like standing on top of a mountain, somewhere in the new view, you see something else you want.

Choice gives us options.

It seems silly and basic but it gets overlooked quite a bit.
Especially when it comes to meeting people.

Sometimes its easy to get caught up in achieving, accumulating and possessing.

But our feelings can't ever be appeased by something that 'gives' us a feeling. Like a particular person or relationship.

That is why choice is so important.

Because choice is something that we can have. It gives us the confidence which is the feeling. The partner (which people tend to anchor the feelings too) may turn out to be a this or a that, (which then effects our feelings) but our choice and power to choose is ours, and cannot be taken from us.

To give my power to someone to 'make me happy', is too risky for me...
Make yourself happy.

Hope this helps.

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