Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Feel like you are getting the cold shoulder?

Sometimes when im out i feel like im getting the cold shoulder. Maybe you have felt it too.
You look at girls and they look away, you are always preoccupied with what's happening outside of everything right near you, and you just get that vibe.
The vibe that 'your not wanted' or 'your creepy'.
Sometimes i get these vibes.
These vibes used to really depress me, i mean they could set me back weeks. I would go out and just feel not wanted. Then i'd tkae a step back and think 'why am i bothering?' and 'i can't do this.'
Now its a little different. I'm not that fussed by women who give me the cold shoulder. Im not put off by women who stare back. Or see me looking and cross the street or adjust themselves somehow so they don't have to come into contact with me.

It's not that i just plough right threw this, i dont. But when i see it happening i notice it now, and then i can do something to stop it. (more information at

First of all, when this happens, i reflect on how im feeling. Typically im out to get something, or to prove something. I guess being wanted by women is an ego trip. This can't really be the reason that you want to meet a woman.
They are after what they want, not what you want. If they see you as trying to put them down, so that you can be lifted they will walk away.
The other thing is that it tells me that im out of practice. I haven't been meeting enough people. Meeting people gives you a face to pin a memory or feeling to. I know im not doing well when i start thinking of 'us and them' because i haven't had that face time.
It is important to keep doing it, because talking releives the nervousness makes you feel happy. Talking to women that you don't know is a bit of a rush (for me anyhow) and gives you a thrill, and confidence that you can do it again.
This feeling will fill the space, so the feeling of fulfilling my ego wont be in my mind so much.

It is important to understand yourself in this situation. It will help you correct yourself when your offcourse, and train yourself to do the right things when things are going well.

Thanks for reading.
More information and dating advice available here.